World stock markets decline on growth fears   

Aug 5 (Lagos) - Stocks fell from Tokyo to New York as investors worried about geo-political stability and also fears about a recession in US economy sent jitters across the globe.

The so called MAG-7 stocks of the US tech sector were down heavily at the time of writing this article and lost more than $500 billion in market value so far today.

Earlier in the day, Asian markets fell sharply from Japan to Singapore it was a sea of red across the board. Indian and Korean markets followed them lower. 

From geo-political tensions in the middle east to internal riots in the UK, the world is looking like a more troubled place compared to just a week ago. However back home, the stock market declined just moderately with stocks like OANDO & PRESCO enjoying a very good day. 

reporting for on Monday, August 5 2024 from Lagos, Nigeria
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